Monday, November 22, 2010

Day #1

Here is what I learnt today:
  1. Always carry a water bottle. If perchance you forget, get ready to pant like a dog and have total strangers stare at you.
  2. Be considerate to pedestrians. They are equally scared when they see you approaching them.
  3. While we are on point no. 2, also be considerate to motorists. You wouldn't want to piss someone off who can hurt you with a 1000 kg metal object.
  4. If your legs start hurting, take a break. You don't want to reach a point where you collapse on the road.
  5. Try not to cycle in the middle of the road, lest you wanna look something like frogger.
  6. Carry a lock. Even though your cycle belongs to the Victorian era, someone will want to swipe it.
  7. Carry a spare shirt and loads of deo, 'cos by the time you reach your destination, you will be raising the dead with the stench.
To be continued...

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